
JS bind

🗓️ March 22, 2020 • ⌛ 2 min read

Understand this and bind. The value of this in any function depends on the call point of that function. There many ways of binding this to a function like implicit, explicit, etc. One such way of binding is to use the bind method. bind method is available to all functions from the Function prototype. So let us work on our own implementation of bind to understand how it works and how the value of this is defined in any function. To start with lets look in default bind of window object to this in any functions.

function greet(greeting) {
  console.log(`${greeting} ${}`)

greet("Hello") // Hello undefined

var name = "Arjun"

greet("Hello") // Hello Arjun

In the above code, the console will print Hello undefined, but not throw an error saying this is undefined. This is because default binding has taken place where the global object where the function is declared is bound to this. Thought the bind of this has happened since there is no property named name available in the global object, it prints undefined in the first call to greet whereas in the second call to greet, the value name is set and it is available in the functions. PS: In strict mode default binding is not allowed.

person = {
  name: "Arjun",
  greet: function(greeting) {
    console.log(`${greeting} ${}`)


In the above, the function object person is assigned two properties name and greet. When greet is called with the owning object, the call site uses that object context and binds the person object to greet function call. This type of binding is called implicit binding. Implicit binding works on function objects as well. Check the below code.

function greet() {
greet.person = "Arjun"

greet.printMessage = function(greeting) {
  console.log(`${greeting} ${this.person}`)

greet.printMessage("Hello") // Hello Arjun

With this knowledge of this binding, we can implement the bind function similar to the one available on all Function objects. Calling bind function of a function returns a new function bound the passed in argument. See the code below.

function bindClone(scope) {
  const fn = this;

  return function(...args) {, ...args)

var a = {
  val: 3

Function.prototype.bindClone = bindClone

function printVal() {

printVal() // undefined

printVal = printVal.bindClone(a)

printVal() // 3

Let us see what bindClone function does. First, it stores this value bound to the function. The value of this depends on the binding methods discussed above. Since bindClone will be called on a function object, this will refer to the function object on with bindClone function is called. Next, a new function is returned which takes a variable number of arguments and calls the actual function with given this bound using call function. Then we are adding this function to the Function prototype so that it will be available to all the function objects. The bind function can be made to receive many arguments alone this scope as below.

function bindClone(...args) {
  const fn = this;
	const scope = args[0]
	const otherParams = args.slice(1)

  return function(...args) {, [...otherParams, ...args])

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